
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

ANSYS Tutorial for 1D Structural Spar Elements (Step Bar)

Ansys 1D Structure Tutorials: Stepper bar in Tension


This tutorial is an educational tool designed to assist those who wish to leam how to use the ANSYS finite element software package. It is not intended as a guide for determining suitable modeling methods or strategies for any application. The authors of this tutorial have used their best efforts in preparing the tutorial. Those efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and computational models shown in the tutorial. The authors make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to any text or models contained in this tutorial. The authors shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of the text and models provided in this tutorial. There is no guarantee that there are no mistakes or errors in the information provided and the authors assume no responsibility for the use of any of the information contained in this tutorial.

Updates to Page:

Last edited on 10th October 2016 to account for changes in ANSYS release 17 [new method of applying cross-sectional area to Link180]

Overview :

In this tutorial, you will examine the 1-D displacement of a stepped bar in tension using ANSYS he problem is adapted from Cad/Cam and Automation by Farzak Haideri.You will determine the displacement distribution, nodal reaction force and stress distribution in the bar due to the applied loading and boundary conditions. A one-dimensional structural truss element (often also called a "spar", "spring" or link" element) will be used for this analysis. We will use SI system units for this tutorial length = m, mass = kg, lime = sec, force = N. stress/pressure = Pa. In this case, the bar is made from steel and the applied force is 50,000 N.

Example: An axial stepped bar is as shown in Fig.1.It is subjected to an axial pull of 50 kN. If the material of the bar is uniform and has a modulus of elasticity as 200 GPa, determine the displacements and stresses of each of the section, using a 1 D spar element. Also, confirm the results using conventional principles.

Discretization Model:

We can easily calculate the cross-sectional area of each element from the information given in the example in the book "Practical Stress Analysis with Finite Elements":

Element 1 = 0.0003 m2
Element 2 = 0.0002 m2
Element 3 = 0.00009 m2
The figure below shows the finalized model where the bars modeled as a sense of three elastic springs (or trusses) with equivalent stiffness to the three uniform cross-section elements shown in the figure above.

Figure 3: The ideal sed finite element model of the tapered bar.

It can be clea1y seen from figure 3 that the bar has been divided into three truss elements (E1, E2, and E3). Each of these will have a length of 0.2m,0.4m, and 0.3m The points at each end of each element are called "nodes'. These are numbered 1 to 4 in figure 3 and the x coordinate of each node is: N1 x = 0, N2 x = 0.2m, N3 x = 0.6m and N4, x = 0.9m.

Step 1: Launch ANSYS

You may need to adapt these instructions depending on your operating system and the options available to you. We will show how to launch ANSYS on a machine running Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit.
1.  Click on the windows icon in the left lower comer of your screen.
2.  Click on All Programs to expand the programs list.
3.  Find Ansys XX.X in the list of programs and click on it. Where XX.X is the version number of ANSYS available to you. I' you are running ANSYS ver 17.0 then the XX.X will be 17.0, i.e. you should click on Ansys 17.0
4.  Click on the Mechanical APDL Product Launcher to launch the classic ANSYS interface. Your screen should look like the figure below.

6. When the product launcher displays your screen should look like this:

10. Once the main GUI opens it is useful to set the preferences: in the Main Menu select Preferences and make sure that Structural and h-method are selected.

Step 2: Define Element Type

1. The Main Menu select Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete
2. Click on Add in the dialog box that appears,

4. Select Link in the left-hand menu and 3Dfinit stn 180 in the right-hand menu and then click Ok
5. This will defines element type 1 as a LINK 180 element. LINK 180 is actually a 3D truss element but we are going to use it as a 1D truss by later suppressing some of its degrees of freedom.
6. Click Close to close the Element Type dialog box.

Step 3: Define Element Cross Sectional Area (Section Properties)

1. In the Main Menu select Preprocessor > Sections > Link > Add
2. Enter the number "1" (for element number 1) in the dialog box that appears and then click on OK to move on to the next step.

3. In the next dialog box that appears, enter the value of and then click OK the cross-sectional area for element 1: 0.0003 m2

4.Now, we have to repeat this process for elements 2 and 3.
5.Click on Preprocessor > Sections > Link > Add again and enter "2" in the "Add Link Section" box that appears,
6.This time enter The value of the cross-sectional area for element 2: 0.0002 m2 and then click Ok
7. Repeat this process for element 3 using the value given above (0.00009 m2)
8. When you are finished you should have three section property sets defined: you can check this by clicking on Utility Menu > List > Properties > Section Properties

Step 4: Define the Material Behaviour

1. In the Main Menu click on Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models, the Define Material Model Behaviour dialog box will now appear.
2. Expand the options in the night hand pane of the dialog box: Structural > Linear > Isotropic
3. In the dialog box that pops up. enter suitable material parameters for steel ( E = 200 x 109 Pa, Poissons ratio = 0.3):

4.Click on Ok '.o close the dialog box in which you entered the material parameters.
5.Close the Define Material Model Behaviour 6 along box by clicking on the X in the upper right comer.

Note: During working on Ansys if you minimize Ansys window then some sub window will disappear and it will on by click on Rise Hidden from Utility Windows

1.In the Main Menu click on Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Nodes > |n Active CS
2.In the dialog box that appears: enter the x-coordinate for node 1 (i.e. 0) and dick on Apply (note that Apoly issues the command to create the node but keeps the dialog box open, clicking Ok would also issue the command to create the node but would close the dialog box).
3.Now enter the x-coordinate for node 2 (i.e. 0.2) and click Apply
4.Enter the x-coordinate for node 3 (i.e. 0.6) and click Apply
5.Enter the x-coordinate for the final node, node 4 (i.e. 0.9) and click Ok to dismiss the dialog box.

6. You may have notice nodes appearing on the main window when you clicked apply. You should now be able to see 4 nodes in the main window (note that node 1 is at the origin so you may not
be able to see it due to the display of the stand at the origin, this is OK):

7.We must now create the elements that join the nodes together click on Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Elements > Auto Numbered > Thru Nodes
8.In the main window click on node 1 and then node 2. Then click Apply in the dialog box. You should see a line element appear joining nodes 1 and 2.

9. Now We have to change the area of second elements that join the nodes 2 and 3 together click on Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Elements >Elem Attributes

10. In above window change section number 2 and click on OK
11. We must now create the elements 2  that join the nodes 2 and 3 together click on Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Elements > Auto Numbered > Thru Nodes
12.Now click on node 2 and then node 3 and click Apply, A line element should appear joining nodes 2 and 3.

13.Finally, Repete above point step 9, 10, 11 and 12 for Element 3.
14. Your display should now look, Ike, this:

16. We can check that a| is as it should be by going to the Utility Menu (top of the window) and selecting: List > Elements > Nodes & Attributes, you should get this:

17.If your list looks different then it is likely you have made a mistake at some point.
18. The key points are that each element has a different section number (SEC) and that element 1 joins nodes 1 & 2, element 2 joins nodes 2&3 and element 3 joins nodes 3&4.

Step 6: Define Boundary Conditions

1.In this case, we are using a 3D truss to model a 1D truss problem so we must prevent the nodes from moving in either the Y or the Z directions. in order to do this, we constrain all nodes in the finite element model in both the Y and Z directions.
2. Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Nodes
3. Select Pick All in the dialog box that appears.

4. Select both UY and UZ in the next dialog box that appears and enter a value of 0 for displacement value

5. Click Ok to close the dialog box. Your screen should now look like this:

6. Now we can apply the problem boundary conditions.
7. The original bar is held rigidly at its left-hand edge, in order to model this we will constrain the leftmost node (i.e. node 1) from moving in the X direction,
8. Again, select: Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Nodes
9. Click on Node 1 and then click Ok

10. This time select UX only and enter a value of 0 for displacement value

11. Click Ok to close the dialog box. You should have noticed an extra constraint appear at node 1 (blue triangle point ng in the horizontal direction)

Step 7: Define Loads

1. Select Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/ Moment > On Nodes

2. Pick node 4 and click on Ok

3. In the dialog box that appears to make sure that the direction of the force is set to FX and that the Force/ Moment value is 500000
4. Click on Ok to close the dialog box.
5.You should see a red arrow appear on node 4 pointing to the right.

Step 8: Solve the Problem

1. In the Main Menu select Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis
2. Make sure that Static is selected in the dialog box that pops up and then clicks on Ok to dismiss the dialog.
3. Select Solution > Solve > Current LS to solve the problem
4. A new window and a dialog box will pop up. Take a quick look at the information in the window (/STATUS Command) before closing it.
5. Click on Ok m the dialog box to solve the problem.

6. Once the problem has been solved you will get a message to say that the solution is done, close this window when you are ready.

Step 9: Examine the Results

1. |n the Main Menu select General Postproc > List Results > Nodal Solution > DOF solution > Displacement Vector Sum and dick Ok

 2. You should get a screen similar to this:

3.As expected. displacement in the y-direction (UY) and displacement in the z-direction (UZ) arc zero for each node,
4.Node 1 has a zero displacement in all directions - this is as expected.
5.Node 2 has moved 0.166 x 10-3 m in the x-direction, Node 3 has moved 0.66 x 10-3 m and Node 4 has moved 0.15 x 10-2 m
6.The truss element that we have used is quite basic and it is difficult to get stress results directly from it. In order to access stress results, we have to define an element table.
7.Select General Postproc > Element Table > Define Table > Add
8.Edit the options in the d along box so that they look like this:

9.It is very important to add the "1" after "LS," 1 
10.Click on Ok to define the element table.

11.Click on Close to dose the other dialog box.

12.Now select General Postproc > Element Table and pick "List Elem Table" in the list that appears. Once you click on OK you should get a listing like this: 

13. This listing gives the stress in each element, for example, element 1 has an axial stress of 0.166 x 109 Pa
14. Now to get Nodal Reaction solution Select General Postproc > List Results > Reaction Solu> All Struc Force F Click OK

Log File/ Input File :

You can get this logfile/input file from Main Manu>Session Editor

/NOPR   ! Suppress printing of UNDO process 
/PMACRO ! Echo following commands to log    
FINISH  ! Make sure we are at BEGIN level   
/CLEAR,NOSTART  ! Clear model since no SAVE found   
/input,start,ans,'C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v170\ANSYS\apdl\'  
N, ,0,,,,,, 
N, ,0.2,,,,,,   
N, ,0.6,,,,,,   
N, ,0.9,,,,,,   
TYPE,   1   
ESYS,       0   
SECNUM,   2 
TYPE,   1   
ESYS,       0   
SECNUM,   3 
D,P51X, ,0, , , ,UY,UZ, , , ,   
D,P51X, ,0, , , ,UX, , , , ,
AVPRIN,0, , 
ETABLE, ,LS, 1  
)/GOP    ! Resume printing after UNDO process   
)! We suggest a save at this point  

(Note: Logfile contain all the operation in terms of Ansys Program, you have performed during above process. also, you can run this program in Ansys by copy this log file contains after edit and pest in Command Prompt in utility menu.)

For example, If you want to change Area of Element 2 from 0.0002 m2 to 0.0004 m2 and Length of Element 3 from 0.3 m to 0.5 m then make following changes in program and pest in command prompt and press enter>Yes>OK

Note: Every time Click on New from Utility > New Analysis 

> Select Save no information click OK before running this program

/NOPR   ! Suppress printing of UNDO process 
/PMACRO ! Echo following commands to log    
FINISH  ! Make sure we are at BEGIN level   
/CLEAR,NOSTART  ! Clear model since no SAVE found   
/input,start,ans,'C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v170\ANSYS\apdl\'  
N, ,0,,,,,, 
N, ,0.2,,,,,,   
N, ,0.6,,,,,,   
N, ,0.11,,,,,,   
TYPE,   1   
ESYS,       0   
SECNUM,   2 
TYPE,   1   
ESYS,       0   
SECNUM,   3 
D,P51X, ,0, , , ,UY,UZ, , , ,   
D,P51X, ,0, , , ,UX, , , , ,
AVPRIN,0, , 
ETABLE, ,LS, 1  
)/GOP    ! Resume printing after UNDO process   
)! We suggest a save at this point  

Quitting ANSYS

To quit ANSYS select Utility Menu > File > Exit... In the dialog box that appears click on Save Everything {assuming that you want to) and then click on Ok


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How to Play NFS Most Wanted in 3D using 3D Glasses Google Cardboard Virtual Reality

Hello Every one,

Have you know about 3D Glasses Google Cardboard Virtual Reality?

If not then search in Google and

If yes then you can watch Movies,Videos and Play PC Games and Android Game using 3D Glasses Google Cardboard Virtual Reality.

3D Glasses Google Cardboard Virtual Reality

 How to Place mobile in 3D Glasses Google Cardboard Virtual Reality

First Application : Copy and pest 3D movies in your mobile, Movies must be play Side by Side.

Stratos (Space) - 3D Side by Side (SBS)

Second Application: You can download and Install following android App in your mobile and visualize 3D effect.
Here is a list of all the apps I have. They either work on my Galaxy s4 or I kept them because they had potential/I thought they were funny. Please add to the comments any apps that I missed that are worth mentioning. Every app I have is free, so some of them are demos, and many require a Bluetooth controller, so I don't know for sure how well they work.
  1. Cardboard Theater (Couch Games Software)
  2. Crazy Swing VR (Fibrum)
  3. Orbulus, for Cardboard VR (VRCraftworks Ltd)
  4. Roller Coaster VR (Fibrum)
  5. VR Jump n Run (Droof)
  6. VR Showroom (Unit040 Ontwerp BV)
  7. Wings 2 (Stefan Welker)
  8. Zombie Shooter VR (Fibrum)
  9. Lanterns for Google Cardboard (Axiomworks, Inc.)
  10. Beaturret VR (Lunchbox Studios)
  11. Brain the Ball VR Demo (MossJr Productions)
  12. Cardboard (Google Inc.)
  13. Cardboard Catapult VR (Dominik Schon)
  14. Cardboard Runner (NamSoo Yu)
  15. Cardboard Space VR (Coal Entertainment)
  16. Cardboard training room (IbaiLUX)
  17. Cartoon Village VR (Axiomworks, Inc.)
  18. Chair In A Room (Ryan Bousfield)
  19. Cityscape for Google Cardboard (hexagon9)
  20. Cmoar AR RPG (Cmoar)
  21. Cmoar VR Cinema Free (Cmoar)
  22. DebrisDefag for Cardboard (Limecolor)
  23. Defend Santa's Grotto VR (Rewind FX)
  24. Dive City Rollercoaster (Dive Games)
  25. Dive Deep (Dive Games)
  26. Dive Wings (Dive Games)
  27. Dive world (I-mmersive)
  28. Durovis Dive Volcano VR Demo (Jackaar Software)
  29. Earth in Google Cardboard (Become System)
  30. FOV2GO Tales From the Minus Lab (USC ICT)
  31. Fractal Combat X
  32. Glitcher VR (dystopia zero)
  33. Graveyard VR (
  34. Halls of Fear VR - Demo (Pernsteiner Software)
  35. Hang Gliding (I-mmersive)
  36. Hoverboard Dive (Ruben van der Leun)
  37. Invasion VR 3D Demo (Claudio Panzanaro REFUGIO 3D)
  38. Kolor Eyes 360 video player (KOLOR)
  39. Lamper VR (Archiact Interactive Ltd)
  40. Lapso (Raiz)
  41. Little Vr Shooter (Digicraft)
  42. Lost in The Kismet - VR Escape (fast Company)
  43. Moorente (Die Etagen GmbH)
  44. No Escape VR Shooter (Pol Marti Canizares)
  45. Protect The Planet Episode 1 (Chi Game Studios)
  46. Rajawali Virtual Reality Demo (Rozengain)
  47. Refugio 3D Space Station (Claudio Panzanaro REFUGIO 3D)
  48. Run4Fun VR Free (Pingala Games Studio)
  49. Shadogun VR (Egidijus Infinitus)
  50. Showroom Cars for Cardboard VR (Albu Sorin Calin)
  51. Signals Snowball Fight (Signals)
  52. Sisters (Otherworld Interactive)
  53. Solar System VR (Troll-Labs)
  54. Space Arena (Salmo)
  55. Space Slider VR (Steve Such)
  56. SpaceTerror for Cardboard (Kos Is Working)
  57. Stellar Dive Experience VR (GraphiNuts)
  58. Strike the Colour VR (teaser) (AnyAll Software)
  59. Swivel Gun! VR Log Ride (beta) (Pixels of Eight)
  60. The Height (Dive Games)
  61. The Traveler (Otherworld Interactive)
  62. Trinus Gyre Test (loxai)
  63. Tuscany Beenoculus (Beenoculus)
  64. Tuscany Dive (FabuluousPixel)
  65. UFO Attack VR (Frozen Cat Studios)
  66. Vanguard V Google Cardboard (ZeroTransform LLC)
  67. VR AR Cmoar TV Free (Cmoar)
  68. VR Cinema for Cardboard (Mobius Networks)
  69. VR Dance Club (Jackaar Software)
  70. VR Endless Run N Jumper Free (2b appsolution UG)
  71. VR Escape Borg Colony (3D-D Studio)
  72. VR Flight Simulator (Beenoculus)
  73. VR Giant Chess Set (LemoSmashGames)
  74. VR on Google Chrome (FUTURE-APPS)
  75. VR Rollercoaster Niagara FREE (Mata-3D Creations)
  76. VR Space Relaxation (VR Travel)
  77. VR The Dungeon Of Terror Demo (Jackaar Software)
  78. VRGalaxy (Anntao Diaz)
That is all for now. 

Third Application:

This is the biggest application that's i can play PC game in 3D using this 3D Glasses Google Cardboard Virtual Reality.

VR Games APK

List of Item required:

1. PC or Laptop
2. Data Cable for Mobile or WiFi Router
3. PC game like NFS Most Wanted
4. TriDef 3D software for PC ( It will convert Normal PC game in 3D in your PC)
5. Software which can Stream PC Desktop to Phone for Virtual Reality.
    You can find List of Software below
1. Kinoni Remote Desktop is probably the least laggy streamer out there. It can be downloaded at
I ran many games like Portal and saw no perceptible lag while in game.
High framerates.
The audio quality isn't great.
Android only.
2. Trinus Gyre is definitely the second best. The streaming is just above average, but what really puts it ahead is its built in head tracking. The moment you start streaming, depending on your settings, the mouse should move automatically as you rotate your head. It can be downloaded at
Built in head tracking? Yes, yes, yes!
Relatively high framerates.
Android only.
Head tracking needs a some work.
Costs money (5.27 USD for the app; the PC streamer is free)
3. Kainy would have been second on this list a few months ago, I didn't know about Trinus Gyre yet (it might not have been out). It can be downloaded at
Kainy can stream up to 60 FPS (frames per second) with minimal lag.
Free version has ads, which makes it unsuitable for VR gaming.
Android only. (Support to iOS supposedly coming soon)
4. Splashtop is number four because it only streams at 30 FPS, with pretty noticeable lag/jitter. It can be downloaded at
Pros: iOS AND Android compatibility! Yay!
Free on Android!
Slow, especially on iOS devices. Like, really slow.
Costs money for the iOS app (5 USD)
Unusable for VR gaming.
5. Teamviewer is actually not that bad considering that it was originally intended for business. It can be downloaded at
Pros: iOS AND Android compatibility! Yay!
Lag, Lag, Lag. Everywhere. Unusable for VR gaming.

5.MirrorOp: It can be downloaded at
Pros: iOS AND Android compatibility! Yay!
Not Free!
Software List:
1. MirrorOp Receiver.exe
2. MirrorOp Sender.exe
3. MirrorOp Receiver.apk
4. MirrorOp Sender.apk

Step 1: Install PC game ( NFS Most Wanted ) in your Laptop or PC

Step 2: Install TriDef 3D Software in your PC.

Step 3: Install  Stream PC Desktop to Phone in Your PC (Any one from above out of Six ). I suggest use MirrorOp. Install MirrorOp Sender.exe in your PC.

Step 4: Install MirrorOp Receiver.apk in your mobile.

Step 5: Connect Your Mobile to PC using Cable or WiFi ( For Cable connection use USB Debugging Mode also Go Setting in your Mobile>More Setting>Tethering and portable ho-spot>Enable USB Tethering) I suggest use Cable for very good transmission speed.

Step 6: Run MirrorOp Sender.exe in your PC

Step 7: Run MirrorOp Receiver.apk in your Smart Phone

Step 8: Connect PC to Mobile using IP (You can find more detail use link ).
           Now your PC screen will Reflect on your Mobile.

Step 8: Now open TriDef 3D software in your PC and select game mode( Right click on TriDef 3D icon and use Windows 7 compatibility) > Select your installed PC game exe like NFSMW.exe. Game will run in your PC side by side.

Step 9: This game you can also see in your Mobile screen. Put this mobile in 3D Glasses Google Cardboard Virtual Reality as shown in above.

Step 10: Play Game in your PC using Keyboard or Game console and SEE in 3D Glasses Google Cardboard Virtual Reality. Put this Glasses in front of your eyes and enjoy 3D Virtual Game.

For More detail you can contact me through my blog.